Hexarc is the only software you need to deploy robust, scalable, and responsive web apps.
Hexarc includes a web server (Hyperion), scripting language (HexeLISP), and database (AeonDB). All three are optimized for each other, increasing performance and reducing complexity.
The Hyperion web server uses non-blocking I/O both for network traffic and database access, ensuring high-capacity and high-throughput.
HexeLISP can be used for all server-side scripting. Implement REST endpoints, generate pages, or define computed columns�all with a single language and datatype set.
AeonDB creates a database mirror and fails over automatically in case of hard disk failure. AeonDB also uses immutable database files (LSM trees) to minimize the risk of corruption due to hardware failure.
Hexarc uses a multiprocess, multimachine message passing architecture that encourages robustness (process isolation), performance (no blocked threads, C++ engines), and scalability (multimachine services).
Create your own Hexarc modules in C++ to expand capabilities. Your new modules will integrate seamlessly and appear as part of the system.